4 Tips for Converting Instructor-Led Training to eLearning

  • There are more ways to learn than ever before…

The days of learning and achieving all learning objectives via classroom-based instructor-led training (ILT) programs are long gone. ILT must now be converted to eLearning due to the rapid development of technology, expansion of enterprises, and altered learner profiles. Many firms have already made the switch. eLearning offers significant advantages over ILT.

There are several good reasons for organizations to go from in-person instruction to online learning, including:

Efficiency: Create the course only once and utilize it repeatedly.

Accessibility: Learners can access the course anytime and from any location.

Cost savings: Cut out instructor fees and travel expenses.

Eco-friendly: Free of paper products and travel-related pollutants.

Compression ratio: The so-called “compression ratio” is another crucial factor. When converted to eLearning, each hour of in-person training is delivered roughly half the time. Employees lose one hour of work time to finish the same course material online instead of two hours. Another triumph!

Transform Content Instead Of Transferring.

eLearning is more than just providing online training; it is about transforming content rather than transferring it. Presenting material in eLearning demands a different structure and strategy than in ILT. There are several elements and training tactics that you can use within your eLearning courses to make sure they are as productive as possible.

Don’t simply copy and paste your existing PowerPoint slides and other ILT material into eLearning. You can utilize this material as a reference point, but design your eLearning programs from the ground up for the best outcomes.

Choose The Most Effective eLearning Course Format.

While some eLearning courses only need a simple framework, others should be more sophisticated and interactive with various materials.

Your decision will be influenced by the course context, intended audience, available technology infrastructure, and material.

The three main eLearning formats you need to be familiar with are as follows:

Synchronous learning: Synchronous learning is an online course guided by an instructor and allows for real-time interaction. This format is frequently supported with audio and video content, such as video conferencing, live chat, and live-streaming lectures. The communal nature of synchronous learning enables new learners to collaborate rather than feel alone.

Asynchronous Learning: Learning that can occur anytime, anywhere, is called asynchronous learning. Instruction is not taking place simultaneously for instructors, learners, and other participants. Participants don’t communicate with each other in real time. Self-paced online courses, video content, and online discussions are a few examples of asynchronous learning.

Blended Learning: The blended learning format combines synchronous and asynchronous learning.

Use Templates To Accelerate The Conversion From ILT To eLearning.

You can get a head start on the transfer from ILT to eLearning using templates. It is simpler to impart a uniform design for slide layouts and adhere to corporate branding rules when using the templates provided by rapid eLearning authoring tools like Easygenerator. Interactivities are also simple to include – a huge bonus given the desire for quick eLearning.

The process of transitioning from classroom training sessions to eLearning is made easier and faster by templates. For instance, by utilizing templates, role plays in the classroom can be swiftly transformed into scenarios.

Be Creative.

An excellent chance to think creatively and try something novel is presented by changing the training format. Don’t worry about what has already been done; as long as you’re open to new concepts, you can keep coming up with fantastic solutions. Consider substituting workbook activities included in the course for gamification, for instance. These quick gamified learning snippets can be entertaining and serve as a welcome mental respite away from the more formal course framework.


Being organized makes sense before starting your ILT to eLearning transition. When transitioning from ILT to eLearning, keep the above-stated tips in mind. Being organized makes sense before starting your ILT to eLearning transition. By doing so, you can deliver an eLearning program that is at least as good as, if not superior, and much more effective than, the ILT program.


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