- Do you know most of these Holocaust facts?
Have you read A Bunch of Holocaust Facts You Don’t Know: Part One? Follow the link to read it because this is part two.
- Nazi’s used picture books, leaflets, posters, newspapers, cartoons, radio, and film to spread lies and racist hate. They portrayed Jews as ugly and middle-aged with hooked noses and showed Jewish people with vermin and lice and even accused them of spreading disease and contamination of the “master race.”
- The “Eternal Jew” poster portrays a Jew as ugly, greedy and grasping. He is pictured next to a hammer and sickle, a symbol of communism.
- Jews who complained to the Nazi’s were humiliated and terrorized. They were forced to wear signs around their necks through town and kneel and scrub city streets by hand.
- Non-Jewish people who made friends or helped Jews were punished, too. This is one of least fun of the Holocaust facts.
- Starting in April 1933, Nazi’s encouraged all Germans to avoid Jewish-owned shops. Jews were stripped of owning land and as of 1934, they were refused health insurance. They were forced out of important jobs and government departments.
- By 1938, Jews were forced to sell and close their businesses and in 1939 they
were ordered to hand over any gold and silver. Jews who fled the country were not allowed to take any money or valuables with them.
- The Nuremberg convention in 1935 was the beginning of the end for Jews and any right to law including banning of marriage and sexual relations between Jews and Germans.
- Jewish women were forced to add “Sarah” to their names and men were forced to add “Israel.” Their passports were stamped with a large “J.”
- By the end of 1941, Jews in Germany and Austria were forced to wear the yellow star, identifying them as Jewish. This is probably one of the most known Holocaust facts.
- Between 1938-1940, Kindertransport was arranged by Jewish, Christian and humanitarian organizations to allow in nearly 10,000 Jewish children without their parents. This children’s transport program traveled by train and ship and we’re also placed in foster homes and hostels around the United Kingdom.
- Nazi’s targeted ideas as well as people and lit huge bonfires in cities to burn books. Jewish authors were included in the fire purging but we also lost the theories of Nobel Prize- winning physicist Albert Einstein.
- Germans claimed they were the “master race” and deserved more “space to live” in one nation as the German Reich.
- Before the Holocaust, Germany had a Jewish population of about 565,000. Poland had Europe’s biggest Jewish population with 3,000,000. The Soviet Union region had 2,525,000 Jews.
- During WWII, Nazis enforced terrorist rule in Germany and in occupied Europe by imprisonment, torture, for ed labor, internment un ghettos and camps and mass murder.
- German Special Courts in Poland could pass the death sentence for almost any “offense.” This is the flimsiest of all the Holocaust facts and they absolutely got away with too much.
- German created over 1,000 ghettos throughout central and Eastern Europe in order to control the Jewish population. These were areas with overcrowded houses, not enough food and next to no sanitation. Most ghettos I’m Poland were walked in and surrounded by barbwire.
- Dachay was the first Nazi concentration camp in Germany, built in 1933.
- Extermination camps had only one purpose- mass murder.
- Most extermination camps were located in Poland and 90% of the victims were Jews.
- Einsatzgruppen were task forced, set up by Nazis to work alongside police
units and the armed forces as death squads. By the end of the war, they had killed 1.5 million people, over half of them being Jewish people.
- The Warsaw Ghetto was the largest Jewish ghetto in Nazi-occupied Europe with some 450,000 Jews living in disgusting and overcrowded conditions. Severe rationing caused many to die of starvation.
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