A home inspector who was accused of masturbating with a Tickle Me Elmo doll in a client’s prospective home has been found guilty of one crime and acquitted of another.

Kevin Wayne VanLuven, 61, of Clarkston, was convicted of aggravated indecent exposure at the conclusion of a jury trial in Oakland County Circuit Court on Oct. 11. The trial started and ended the same day.
The jury returned with a not guilty verdict for a misdemeanor charge of malicious destruction of property.
The charges against VanLuven stemmed from a 2020 home inspection when a nanny cam recorded him in a child’s bedroom where he appeared to be pleasuring himself with the toy. The homeowners, who were off-site, were notified by an app.

The recording, provided by the homeowners to law enforcement, showed VanLuven holding the Elmo doll below his waist as he faced an open closet with his back turned toward the camera. He also appeared to be possibly adjusting the zipper on his pants.
VanLuven faces up to two years in prison and a $2,000 fine. He’s scheduled to be sentenced Dec. 2 by Judge Phyllis McMillen.
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