Five tricky riddles that train your brain to think differently – most people get none

Paul Sloane, author of Lateral Thinking for Every Day, has set out five puzzling riddles to encourage lateral thinking and to give your brain a much-needed boost during Twixmas

Man holding a crossword puzzle
Can you and your family work out these puzzling riddles?

We’re still in that strange period between Christmas and New Year where no one really knows what day it is. But to give your brain a much-needed boost, Paul Sloane, author of Lateral Thinking for Every Day, has set out five puzzling riddles that will encourage you to think differently.

Paul argues that every time we approach a problem, in any walk of life, we bear assumptions that limit our ability to establish fresh solutions. “Our experiences condition us to see any new situation in terms of situations we have seen before,” he tells the Mirror.

“We make assumptions unconsciously and put things into a framework with constraints that limit our thinking. Lateral thinkers are always aware of assumptions and deliberately confront them.”

Paul encourages puzzle fans to think outside the box


Getty Images/iStockphoto)

To help with the below riddles, Paul says: “A key principle of lateral thinking is to check your assumptions.

“Many jokes, riddles and puzzles work because the listener makes the wrong assumptions and goes down the wrong track.”

So, think carefully about your assumptions and test your brain power with the following riddles…


1. In what month do Germans eat the least?

2. If a ton of coal costs £90 and a ton of coke (fuel) costs £80, what do you think a ton of firewood will come to?

3. Why are boy scouts not allowed to have neckerchiefs any longer?

4. What would you call a man who shaved 20 times a day?

5. Approximately how many bricks do you think it takes to complete a brick semi-detached house in Yorkshire?

Why are boy scouts not allowed to have neckerchiefs any longer?


Daily Mirror)

Paul, who gives talks on the power of lateral thinking, cites a historic example of the force of lateral thinking when put into practice.

“After their experiences in the first World War, the British and French High Commands assumed that any new war with Germany would be similar to WW1 – a massive static engagement between two huge armies,” he begins.

“So the French built the Maginot Line along the entire French border with Germany.

“It consisted of massive defensive fortifications and was designed to resist attacks by aerial bombardment, artillery and ground forces. The strategy was that the Maginot Line would blunt any invasion and allow time for mobilisation and counterattack by allied forces.

“However, when the Germans attacked in 1940 they did some lateral thinking.

“They discarded the tactics of the previous conflict and came up with a new kind of war, blitzkrieg.

“It involved fast-moving armoured divisions led by concentrations of tanks. They also used paratroopers and gliders.

“They invaded through the Low Countries, bypassing the Line to the north. The Maginot line proved useless. France fell in a matter of days.”

The author added: “In every situation at work or at home, when you meet someone new or something unusual happens, be sure to keep an open mind.

“Check what assumptions you are making and ask yourself, ‘What if my assumptions are wrong?’ It will open up new possibilities.”

“Approximately how many bricks do you think it takes to complete a brick semi-detached house in Yorkshire?”


Getty Images)


1. February, it has the fewest days.

2. Ashes

3. The neckerchiefs are long enough already

4. A barber

5. It takes one brick to complete the house.

Paul Sloane is a best-selling author of lateral thinking and innovation books – his new book Lateral Thinking for Every Day is available to purchase on Amazon from January 3, 2023 (Kogan Page, £12.99).

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