Guy Who Tried to Pay for Alcohol with His Penis is in Trouble

  • His own attorney called him a “buffoon” for his actions.

Guy Willis, 34, was charged with exposure , particularly that he intentionally exposed his penis, intending that someone would see them and to cause alarm and distress.

This is a big no-no.

He came to sentencing on Thursday December 22nd at at Warrington Magistrates’ Court where he was told his actions were ‘highly unpleasant.’

To open the case, a Crown Prosecution Service representative said that the incident occurred on April 30th of this year, at about 1 p.m. Willis entered a convenience store in the Orford area to buy some alcohol.

When asked to pay, he dropped his shorts and underwear to his ankles and exposed his penis asking, “Can I pay with this?” The worker promptly told him to pull his pants up and pay for the alcohol.

Willis was identified through CCTV, which recorded the incident, but gave no comment to officers’ questions during his police interview after the arrest. Willis has six previous convictions for 11 offenses, as told to the court.

He pleaded not guilty (to an offense taped on camera?) after the charge and was convicted after a trial.

In defense of his client and according to Gary Heaven, it was referenced how nobody had to attend court to give evidence, with this not being a situation where witnesses where put through the anxiety of cross-examination during the trial.

“I struggle to find from my experience a more misjudged example of buffoonery than this,” he said.

“He was always going to be identified and come to the attention of the police. One has to question what on earth was in his mind at the time.”

Mr. Heaven did state that Willis was drinking at the time and made a mistake in showing his penis, but is no longer drinking. He also said that there were no other customers or children present in the shop at the time of the incident.

Magistrates sentenced Willis to a community order including 30 rehabilitation activity requirement days and a 90-day alcohol monitoring requirement. He is also ordered to sign the sex offender register for five years and pay court costs of £350.


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