Mom Shamed and Called Monster for Lasering Baby: Part One

  • Someone else mom shamed and asked, “Why is everyone supporting this?”

Mom shamed and called a monster by people online after deciding to laser her baby’s facial birthmark. This is the story.

Brooke Atkins, 33, is a stay-at-home mom from the Gold Coast in Queensland Australia. She’s defending her choice to get her son Kinsley’s birthmark laser treated. 

Atkins and her partner, Kewene Wallace, 27, say that their boy was born with a port wine stain on half of his face. The two also have a two-year-old daughter named Amarni.

Updates of Kinsley’s treatment have been shared on TikTok and are often met with comments like ‘monster.’ One commented and said “Don’t think I could laser my baby.”

Another stated, “That birthmark is barely visible, what you’re doing to him is horrible, it’s more for you than him.” Although in this case the birthmark is about half of the babies face and hardly ‘barely visible.’

Someone else mom shamed and asked, “Why is everyone supporting this?”

While most port wine stain birthmarks are usually harmless, when found on the face, there can be complications. Especially when the mark is over the eye, it can be linked with glaucoma which can cause blindness. 

These types of birthmarks are sometimes linked with a rare neurological disorder called Sturge Weber Syndrome that can lead to seizures and other disabilities. Kingsley was diagnosed with both and lead to Brooke, among other reasons, defending her actions even despite huge backlash online.

Do all the people who want to mom shame know this?

“The thing with port wine stains is that they are progressive, meaning they will change and darken over time,” Brooke said. “They can develop a ‘cobblestone’ appearance with raised bumps, ridges and the risk of vascular blebs, where they dangerously bleed.”

For the rest of what Mum said, Mom Shamed and Called Monster for Lasering Baby: Part Two.


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