Mum-to-be furious as boyfriend’s mum books him ‘paternity holiday’ a week after due date

A pregnant woman was furious after her boyfriend agreed to take 3 weeks paternity leave after their baby is born – but his mum booked him a two-week holiday instead

A pregnant woman looking sad with a man behind her
The woman doesn’t want her husband to leave her with a newborn (stock photo)

A mum-to-be has expressed her frustrations after her boyfriend’s mum booked him a two-week “paternity holiday” just one week after she’s due to give birth to their first child. The woman claimed her partner had agreed to take three weeks of paternity leave after the baby is born to “adjust to being parents”, but he will now only be with her for a week before leaving her and the little one alone for a fortnight.

The first-time mum has told her boyfriend she doesn’t want him to go, and while he agrees that he wants to be there for her and the baby, he also doesn’t want his mum to think she wasted her money – after she previously called them “ungrateful” for not being happy about the holiday.

The man’s mum paid for him to take a ‘paternity holiday’ (stock photo)


Getty Images/iStockphoto)

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In a post on Reddit, the mum-to-be claimed: “I’m 37 weeks pregnant now and my boyfriend is taking three weeks off work to stay with me so that we can adjust to being parents to a newborn. This is my first and I’m very nervous and really need the support right now.

“My boyfriend’s mother took it upon herself to schedule a ‘paternity vacation’ for my boyfriend for the last two weeks of his leave. She came over for dinner and surprised him with it. It’s an all-expense paid vacation to Italy for my boyfriend as his paternity present.

“She gave me a jade stone bracelet and a matching newborn one for the baby as it’s part of their culture to give the family stone to the mother and child once they enter the family. That was very kind of her.

“However, I told her that his leave was for helping with the baby. She was taken aback and said that he would be with me for a week and that was long enough. Her husband never even stayed at the hospital with her when her son was born.

“I told her and my boyfriend that I didn’t want him to go and that she should have asked first before buying such an extraordinary gift. She left in tears because I was ‘ungrateful’ and ruining her son’s experience.

“My boyfriend pretty much agrees that he should go for at least a week because she paid for it, but I really wanted him to stay with me and bond with our daughter.”

Commenters on the Reddit post were baffled by the soon-to-be grandmother’s actions, and many also said the dad-to-be’s response was equally as strange, as he should want to be there with his newborn baby rather than placating his mum by going on holiday.

One person said: “What an asinine idea! A vacation away from his one-week-old baby? What in the literal f**k was his mother thinking?”

While another added: “What a presumptuous gift! And the fact that your boyfriend didn’t immediately turn it down is unsettling. Guilt about something he never asked for should never come before his responsibility to you as a partner and to your newborn as a father. Your response was reasonable and not at all ungrateful.”

And a third wrote: “That is insane; the whole point of him taking time off of work was to be there for you. It’s unimaginable to me that his mother could have thought it was a good idea to just send him to Europe.

“Also, in general, who in the world would just buy someone a ticket to another country for a long period of time in any situation?”

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