A man has taken to Reddit to share how he got revenge on his mother-in-law who took back his daughter’s Christmas present because she thought she had ‘too many’
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When it comes to Christmas, most parents go above and beyond to make their child’s day special. But one nine-year-old girl ended up losing out after her grandmother took back the presents she’d bought her, claiming she had “too many” already.
Taking to Reddit, her father vowed to get “petty revenge” on his mother-in-law for her heartless actions. He had “splurged” to buy his daughter a lot of gifts for Christmas – and was delighted to watch her face light up when she opened them. But his mother-in-law decided she’d already had enough money spent on her – and decided to teach her a lesson.
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He said: “This year I got a new job that has been paying me very well
“Therefore, for this Christmas I decided to splurge on everyone. In particular, I spent a lot of my money on my nine-year-old daughter and she deserves it 100%.
“She has been pushing herself in school, helping around in the house without being asked, and always being the kindest soul you’ll ever meet.”
Despite wanting to treat his family, the mother-in-law did not take too well to the many gifts under the tree that were mainly for the schoolgirl.
“She started saying that a nine-year-old did not deserve that many gifts and she would be taking away the gift she bought my daughter so that my daughter wouldn’t be too spoiled,” he added.
“I told her that was unfair especially since my mother-in-law promised my daughter a doll for Christmas and my daughter was looking forward to it.
“My mother-in-law said let it be a lesson to my daughter that in life she cant get all things she asks for.”
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Although the dad tried to justify his spending, the mother-in-law was having none of it and even went as far as saying it was ‘her right’ to take back the doll. The man tried to get backing from his wife – but she told him to ‘let it go’.
As no one had his back in the family, the dad took matters into his own hands – and removed the £500 designer bag he bought his mother-in-law.
He explained: “I decided to remove the £500 designer bag I got my mother-in-law, the thing I knew she wanted the most, and kept a £33 robe instead.
“Once my mother-in-law opened her present she was disappointed asking if that was all from me, because everyone else got increasingly more expensive gifts from me.
“And I said yes and apologised if I disappointed her but we cant always get the gifts we hoped for.
“After this happened there was tension all day and once everyone left my wife was furious that I bought everyone things way more expensive than her mother.
“I explained that I did buy her mum a £500 designer bag but decided against it once she took away the gift she bought my daughter.”
From first telling her husband to ‘drop it’ she branded him “petty” for the retaliation but his sister took his side and told him to send the luxury gear back to the shop.
It didn’t take long for other Reddit users to say their piece.
One person said: “You need to sit your wife down and have a serious talk.
“Your mother-in-law punished your daughter as a proxy for imposing her values on you.
Another user added: “Get a refund for the bag and buy a doll for your daughter.”
A third user said: “Return the bag. Then talk with your wife – you might want to exchange her, as well, but I’d suggest marriage counselling first…”
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