The woman explained why she’d fallen out with her mother-in-law, but noted she still performed childcare duties – her husband ‘didn’t want to know’ about their argument though, refusing to talk about it
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When you have a good relationship with your mother-in-law, it can be really upsetting and disappointing when you fall out – hurtful remarks may be made, and it can then be difficult to retain a good relationship between them and your child, not to mention how difficult it makes it for your partner.
One woman took to Mumsnet to explain that she used to have a really strong bond with her mother-in-law, but in recent years she couldn’t take her ‘overbearing’ behaviour because she was being over the top around her child, so she fell out with her. The mother-in-law then also made a really mean remark which upset the woman who made the post and made her rethink the whole relationship with her.
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She wrote: “So background is, used to have quite a good relationship with my mother-in-law but she is quite overbearing and treats her sons like children but I’ve always got on with that.
“Since having my baby who is now five months she has gone over the top and a while ago we had a massive fall out.
“Every time she comes over she takes my baby and won’t give her back to me or anyone else. If anyone else is holding her she is cooing constantly in the baby’s face and not giving them time.
“I have tried to ask her to look after her here and there thinking if she had alone time it might help – well it’s only getting worse. I went to work yesterday and hadn’t seen my baby as went before she woke up, so obviously super excited to see her when I got home, knowing I was on my way home she was about to take her out in the pram but I caught her just as she was.
“I took her for a cuddle and she doesn’t like me taking her and just won’t give me any time. My niece was there and my niece said she wouldn’t let her hold her and took her off her.
“She has stopped being warm with me, never asks how I am doing (don’t have my own mother as she passed away) and said to my husband a while ago after we fell out she wasn’t bothered if she never saw me again as long as sees my husband and the baby.
“It makes me really sad as my husband doesn’t want to know, he just wants us all to get on, and we would if she just chilled out a bit.
“I don’t expect my husband to intervene as it’s hard on him and the other way around I would really be upset – I am just having to pretend everything is ok so he doesn’t get upset – but it’s really not.”
People sympathised with the woman, acknowledging that it was a shame that the fall out had happened in the first place.
One wrote: “That’s a really tricky situation. I’m sorry that you are with such an odd mother-in-law. Maybe having a firm plan/communication for each meeting.
“For example: ‘I’m planning on taking some pictures of niece holding/interacting with the baby today.’ Or: ‘Thank you for taking care of baby today, I’d like my cuddle time now.’ Or: ‘I’ll be back at five, when I want to bath the baby myself – so please make sure you’ve had your walk in the park by then.’
“At least then she can’t say you’re not making your wishes clear.”
Another said: “I wouldn’t ask her to do childcare. Just tell your husband he can facilitate his own contact with his mum, away from your home, and to leave you out of it. He probably won’t bother much.”
“Cut her off. Let your husband deal with her and engage with her in the same way she does”, someone fumed.
One Mumsnetter was horrified with what her mother-in-law said about her, commenting: “She doesn’t care if she never sees you again? I would tell your husband she has no business being near your home.”
What would you do in this situation? Let us know in the comments.
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