The woman wasn’t happy when builders in her neighbours house were being noisy and causing distress to her daughter, so she wanted to ask them how long they’d be working for
Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
Usually, unless your neighbour pre-warns you, you’ll probably expect a relative amount of peace and quiet when you’re in your home. If your neighbours are being particularly loud, it can get annoying really quickly and you may be wanting to confront them. Of course, you do not want to cause a rift with the person who lives next door to you, so it can put you in an awkward predicament.
One woman took to Mumsnet to ask whether she would be being unreasonable to ask her neighbour’s builder when their works are going to be finished because the noises coming from next door are distressing her daughter.
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She wrote: “Neighbour has gone away while a builder is replacing their bathroom, and other things by the look of it. Work starts almost spot on 8am every day since last Sunday. Drilling, hammering etc – we are the other side of a pair of semis so the noise really carries
“Annoying as it is for me, for my autistic daughter it is simply unbearable. Am I being unreasonable to try and catch the builder to ask how many more days he expects it to take?”
People sympathised with the mum and understood why she was concerned about the noise.
One wrote: “As long as you ask politely I can’t think of a reason not to.”
Another understood exactly what the mum said, writing: “This is my life but we are four months in now. They said should be done in a year!”
One Mumsnetter tried to find solutions, commenting: “You could also ask them to give you warning of any especially noisy days so you can plan to be out (if that is possible for you).”
“How could it possibly be unreasonable to ask?”, someone questioned.
Another added: “It’s a bit rude of your neighbours not to have told you how long they were expecting it to last!”
What would you do? Let us know in the comments.
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