Nagaland minister Temjen Imna Along is making waves on social media again, with a quirky post on Twitter. It is in response to a user’s tweet in which Mr Along is seen posing with the user on a Harley Davidson. Both men are seen smiling while posing on the bike, but without a helmet. Mr Along took a hilarious take on the photo, along with an important safety message. The Nagaland minister’s tweet has received more than 4.3 lakh views.
“People will say where is the helmet? Brother, you need style to pose! PS: Not to travel without helmet!” Mr Along said in his tweet.
लोग कहेंगे Helmet क्यों नहीं?
भाईसाहब, pose देने के लिए style चाहिए!😜
P.S: Helmet के बिना सफ़र नहीं करने का!
— Temjen Imna Along (@AlongImna) May 21, 2023
It became a hit on the platform, receiving more than 10,000 likes and over 600 retweets.
“This photo could be used by @harleydavidson for India ads,” commented one user. “Good pose,” tweeted another.
“You are the only good thing twitter has,” a third user said on Twitter.
Mr Along is well-known for his amusing and witty social media posts, and knows how to keep his followers hooked.
Earlier this month, he shared a picture of a popular chef playing carrom with locals against the backdrop of scenic hills in Nagaland. While sharing the picture, Mr Along asked the internet to guess the name of the chef.
In other posts, Mr Along has showcased the beauty and culture of his state and offered important life advice.
In March, Mr Along shared a strong message about littering on roads and the damage it is causing to the environment.
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