The Boeing 747 overtaking the 737 in this viral footage.
An incredible video of a Boeing 747 overtaking a Boeing 737 is gaining traction online. The video has been captured by pilots of a Boeing 777 over Baghdad, according to the description of the video on social media platforms. Some users on Reddit pointed out that the footage is at least 10 years old, but the clip has given an adrenalin rush to aviation enthusiasts and other social media users.
The 35-second clip starts with the Boeing 737 heading to its destination. Soon, the 747 plane enters the frame and rapidly closes the gap. Since the plane was closer to the 777 shooting the video, it appears wider than the Boeing 737, which seen between the exhaust gas coming out of 747.
The latter overtakes Boeing 737 and keeps moving ahead, as seen in the clip. A few seconds later, the 737 completely disappears from the camera frame.
This is one of the clearest footage captured of a plane overtaking another. On Reddit, it has received thousands of upvotes.
A 2019 article on airlineratings.com said that the Boeing 777 was at 33,000 feet, while the 747 was at 35,000 feet and the Boeing 737 at 37,000 feet.
Such a small degree of separation (of 2,000 feet) is possible because of suitably equipped modern planes, sophisticated cockpit equipment and assistance from satellites.
According to Boeing.com, the company announced the 737 in 1965. The twinjet undertook its first flight in 1967.
The Boeing 747 was introduced two years later, in 1969 and was built in 16 months by a team of workers rubber “the incredibles” by the company website.
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