It’s been nearly 13 years since the third series of teen sitcom The Inbetweeners wrapped up, but some believe the voice of Will McKenzie lives on, channeled through Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

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Rishi Sunak’s voice compared to Will from The Inbetweeners
As the most studious member of The Inbetweeners gang, Will McKenzie was always going to go on to aim high in life, and one could easily imagine him opting for a career in politics. It may not, therefore, come as too much of a surprise to some to hear what would appear to be the former Rudge Park Comprehensive pupil’s voice sounding from a Downing Street lectern.
Many of those who followed the often cringe antics of the hapless teenagers have been left stunned by the apparent vocal similarities between Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and sensible schoolboy Will, and now ‘can’t unhear it’.
Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images)
The PM made the first major speech of his premiership today, which he used to detail five ‘people’s priorities’ to address what he described as the most pressing issues currently facing Britain. During his speech, Sunak also spoke about the launch of a controversial new policy that would introduce compulsory maths education for everyone up to age 18.
Although his address certainly sparked plenty of debate, there were those who just couldn’t get over the vocal similarities between Sunak and Will, portrayed by comedian and actor Simon Bird.
Channel 4)
One person tweeted: “Rishi Sunak sounds like Will from The Inbetweeners. I closed my eyes five minutes into that drivel speech and all I could think of was Will McKenzie addressing his school.”
Another wrote: “I’ve been trying for almost three years to work out who Rishi Sunak reminds me of. It’s Will from The Inbetweeners. I’m ashamed the penny didn’t drop sooner.”
A third person commented: “Every time I hear Rishi Sunak I just envision Will from The Inbetweeners. Same sixth-form schoolboy energy.”
A fourth laughed: “If you close your eyes when Rishi Sunak speaks, it could be Will off The Inbetweeners!”
Will was both the main character and voiceover for The Inbetweeners, which ran from 2008 to 2010. Like Sunak, Will was also known for having a keen interest in politics but famously ended up having an unfortunate accident during his final exam in the subject.
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