People are just realising they’ve been using ice scrapers wrong to defrost their car

Motorists are discovering how to use a scraper properly as they claim they’ve been defrosting their car for years using the wrong method – while others claim it’s ‘common sense’

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TikTok user shares ice scraping hack

Cold winter mornings mean one gruelling thing for motorists – and that’s frost. Removing ice and snow from the windscreen is a laborious task and can put drivers ages behind schedule.

While people are torn over the best homemade hack for clearing frost from motors, the classic ice scraper has always been a saving grace come winter. However, a woman has claimed that everyone’s been using the handy tool the wrong way and people are flabbergasted.

Taking to popular video-streaming TikTok, Lizzy, who posts under the username @xdizzylizzy10 demonstrated how her usual method wasn’t as effective compared to the little-known proper use.

She’s been using the scraper on the wrong side



And tells people to turn it the other way



In the video, which has surpassed 980,000 views since posting, Lizzy raked in thousands of responses to her ice-scraping hack.

The TikToker claims that she’s been using the device on the wrong side and claims to have only just discovered the proper way.

She explained in the clip: “Ice scraping hack I learned on TikTok this morning at 6 o’clock because I couldn’t sleep…

“Why did I not know this?”

Sharing the evident difference, Lizzy turned the scraper the other way around to show how the ice quickly shifted off her windscreen – and it made the world of difference.

In their disbelief, hundreds of TikTok users fled to the comment section to share their shock over the video.

While many have claimed that they were none the wiser to the trick, others are confused as to why the use has gone unnoticed.

One person claimed: “Been driving 17 years and I just learnt this today too although I just chuck warm water on the windows.”

“Nooooooo why did I never know this,” another asked.

A helpful social media user penned: “Biggest tip is to get in and turn the car on while you’re doing this. Let the car heat up and de-fog the windows ready for you to drive.”

Meanwhile, a different person jibed: “Figuring out the correct way to use something is not a hack but congrats anyway.”

Another user said: “It’s common sense.”

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