- What we know about it and more.
Abuse is Denied
The worst of the “correct action” as the church calls it is that Scientology basically denies any abuse of church members ever took place.
“The most abusive thing that I’ve experienced is seeing the victims being further victimized by an organization that claims these things did not take place,” she wrote. “From physical, to sexual, to mental abuse.” Total gaslighting.
Celebrities and Scientology
A lot of celebrities have dabbled in Scientology as the church actively seeks out celebrities. Because, more celebrities means more money. Of course, Leah Remini and Tom Cruise are big names. John Travolta and Jerry Springer were also a part of the religion. Many celebrities left the church for various reasons and that’s what we know about it.
Scientology Founder= Murderer?
Ron Hubbard once told his wife that he murdered their child. Hubbard himself is a controversial figure, mostly for his paranoid and abusive tendencies. which the church adopted. The story goes that when his second wife threatened to leave him, he kidnapped their daughter. Hubbard then called his wife and told her he butchered the girl. But then later called back and admitted the girl was still alive.
“Fair Game” Policy
According to Remini, those recordings used to discredit the non-believers were the worst part about the church. “I would say the church’s Fair Game policy, and how they systematically go after anyone who publicly speaks out against them. Anyone who speaks out against the ‘church’ is seen as an enemy,” Leah wrote.
When there is no criticism of leaders by their people and no punishment even so, you have a big problem. This is what we know about it and the same goes for big government.
No Censoring of Wikipedia
The church of Scientology tried to censor Wikipedia and in return, Wikipedia banned any organization affiliated with Scientology from editing its articles. The church has been accused of repeatedly attempting to remove an critical information on the site referring to Scientology. This goes along with Scientology and it’s argumentative and controlling relationship with the media and internet.
No Mental Health Help
Within Scientology, psychology is looked down upon in such a way that it’s flat out denied. This is what we know about it and we don’t like it.
“The church doctrine thinks that fields of psychology and psychiatry are a sham,” she wrote. “They deny mental illness and afflictions. They promote that you can heal your psycho-sematic issues with their ‘technology.’ They will get in the way of people taking medications. They will prevent people from getting the real medical help that they need. And in some cases have caused suicides because of it. Scientology is mentally abusive because we are all taught that we are responsible for everything.”
Other Religion> Scientology
Because Scientology teaches you that outsiders are bad people, Leah found that after leaving the church, she became more open to other forms of religion and no longer held a prejudice against other peoples’ religious choices.
“Yes my view of religion changed in that I am no longer a bigot against people’s religious beliefs when it doesn’t harm other people, promote killing people for their beliefs… like extremism,” Leah wrote. “But if religion brings you comfort, hope, and a sense of community, I say ‘whatever works for you.’”
Open Sex Talk
That’s right. Members of the church of Scientology are not only convinced to talk about their sex lives but in fact, they need to go through a process known as auditing. Auditing is the process in which the church asks extremely personal questions about their lives. The church keeps detailed records of the proceedings and the questions asked, often pertaining to the soon-to-be-members sex lives. This is probably kept as blackmail as it is used to threaten any members that leave.
Did you know all these things about Scientology? What do you think of it and what we know about it.
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