The 7 Weirdest Things We’re Obsessed with Watching: Part One

  • It’s 2023 and media keeps getting weirder because we’re obsessed.

Who isn’t obsessed with watching media, whether it be TikTok or YouTube? And that’s not all. Instagram and Facebook have tons to watch as well.


ASMR stands for autonomous sensory meridian response and while that makes it sound really technical and scientific, it makes sense why it’s wildly popular. It’s meant to produce a tingling, static-like, or goosebump sensation in response to specific triggering audio or visual stimuli. Anyhow, if you get onto media, chances are it won’t be long before you run across some of these videos, and they really are satisfying. Whether it’s people just going through their regular routine or people cooking and editing their videos for all the fun sounds, they are definitely something we are obsessed with watching on media.


This is along the same line as GRWM’s and again, watching others do the mundane in their lives that we don’t want to in ours. So this entails laundry, dishes, picking up your house, dusting, cleaning and all the things we want done before we start a new week. (And always, honestly.) Even though these are the things we detest the most, they are very calming videos to watch.


GRWM is short for “get ready with me.” If you’re on Instagram, these “reels” are for sure all the rage these days. Get ready with me applies to morning routines and actually getting ready. Personally, seeing people go through their days and getting a look into their lives is super interesting to me, and I guess I’m not the only one. Is this weird of us? To like to watch the mundane in others lives when it’s boring to us, in ours? Either way, we are obsessed with watching GRWM and it’s not ending anytime soon.

Pantry Organizing

This is the kind of thing you zone out on for hours and hours, and we just love it. People will buy every sort of container needed for everything from cereal to rice to snacks. The most fun of these videos is when people mix it with ASMR. So you see pretzels being poured into a clear plastic container and then stocked into on part of the pantry. Then you will see sugar being poured into a container and stocked into a different part of the pantry. Some people get really inspired by these and do it with their own pantries. Me? Not so much. Clean out the pantry has been on my to-do list for about a week. *Sigh.*

Desk/Drawer Organizing

This is similar to the pantry situation but you’ll see things like separators for your sock drawer and perfectly lined pair of folded socks. Moving into another room in the house, office organizing will have containers with erasers, pens and pencils, and maybe a computer squeegee. And into another room in the house, bathrooms are moving toward a glass aesthetic, picture glass containers with cotton balls or cotton swabs. The idea is to put things that we need and use everyday in plain sight but with a good look to them and we are obsessed with watching these videos.


Are we still watching people eat plates and plates of food? As fast as they can and usually timed? And at an absolute minimum of about 10,000 calories? Because that’s what a Mukbang is and we are obsessed with watching them. Most Mukbangers showcase all different kinds of food from whole pizzas with sides to packs of donuts, a cake and two or three smoothies to wash it all down. Sounds insane? It is. If you haven’t seen one of these before, go Google or YouTube one.

Watching People Sleep

Some of the highest paid content creators, (if you call them that,) make their money from keeping a webcam on where people can watch them sleep. They are actually called sleep streamers and they make money by sleeping. Crazy enough, others will pay to wake up strangers as well. What do you think that’s like? Seems honestly terrifying and that’s a no from me.

It’s the GRWM that I can watch forever. What about you? For The 7 Weirdest Things We’re Obsessed with Watching: Part Two, follow the link!

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