The CDC Puts Out “Average Number of Sex Partners” Numbers: Part One

  • And it’s left us all with a lot of questions.

Statistics from the CDC have shocked people with the stats collected showing the average number of sex partners people “have had.”

Sex isn’t usually an open conversation. though it should be and for so many reasons. It’s taboo and uncomfortable to talk about how many sex partners you’ve specifically had, much less the “average number of sex partners.” Especially when that number is according to the CDC.

Talking about your sex life on some type of survey or questionnaire may be easier for some. And in an anonymous poll, you are less likely to dramatize the truth. (Most people are known to talk up their sex life in front of their friends.)

Studies show that the actual amount of times we have sex per year is less than you’d actually think. When it came to the Archives of Sexual Behavior, the 2017 study found that the average adult has sex 54 times a year- or about once a week.

A specific survey question asked of ‘sexually experienced women and men aged 25-49 years of age’ was how many opposite-sex partners have they had in their lifetime, also known as their “average number of sex partners.”

Data stated that between 2015 and 2019, the median for women was 4.3 sexual partners. While the median for men was slightly higher at 6.3. Does this match up with your experience of the average number of sexual partners?

As a whole the stats have women with one sexual partner amounting to 17.7 percent of those taking part in the survey, and men with one sexual partner at 11.2.

On the other end of the stats, 28.3 percent of men who took part in the survey said they have had 15+ sexual partners, while women had had 12.9 percent.

Have you ever taken any questionnaires about your sex life? For the rest of the sex stats, go to The CDC Puts Out “Average Number of Sex Partners” Numbers: Part Two.

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