Remember My Super Sweet 16? The show, which chronicled the lavish and expensive parties of super-rich kids, was both admired and hated. On one hand, the series showcased some pretty impressive parties, on the other, it glorified spoiled, bratty behavior as whiny teens pouted to their parents about getting a Mercedes-Benz in the wrong color. After seeing them act up on TV, most viewers are probably curious to see where those teenagers are now.
When the show first premiered in 2005, it was an instant hit. The idea that teenagers were throwing themselves lavish parties that cost somewhere in the $100,000 range and even higher shocked America and ignited much anger and criticism — but that didn’t stop the show’s popularity. It ran for seven seasons, showcasing 77 over-the-top, expensive parties that each got increasingly more ridiculous than the last. From marching bands to horse-drawn carriages to elephants, the celebrations had no limitations.
Although the later seasons featured famous teenagers like Diddy‘s son Quincy and even Chris Brown, participants like Sophie Mitchell brought the most intense drama. The Florida teenager kicked off season 2 and was seen calling her mom a “bitch” and fighting with her best friend. She received so much backlash for her behavior on the show, she later revealed in an interview that she had to flee the country to England.
“I just needed to get as far away from Florida as possible,” she said back in 2011. “So I put the entire country of space between us.” She also confirmed what many fans suspected — that most of the drama was egged on by producers. “I knew what they wanted,” she added. “So I took on this personality of the horrible rich bitch, and they just loved it. They thought it was hilarious.”
In February 2023, another star of the series opened up via TikTok about what filming entailed and how much money she earned from her episode.
“They filmed me pretty much 24/7 for about like two to three weeks leading up to the party,” Cher Hubsher shared in a “get ready with me video.” “They filmed every single birthday prep activity and they also developed activities that I basically had to attend. This was a lot of work,” she added before noting that she was not paid for any of it.
While some of the memorable faces from the show drifted away from the spotlight, others are still in the reality TV game and haven’t changed a bit.
Check out our gallery to see what the rest of My Super Sweet 16 participants are doing today.
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