Bhojpuri singer Priyanka Singh, broke down after she was interrupted mid-way during a live performance by the anchor Rupam Trivikram at the ‘Thawe Mahotsav 2023’ in Bihar. The host also tried to snatch the mic from the singer’s hand before she started crying on stage.
During the performance, the anchor interrupted and said they are running short on time. However, the singer protested about the rude treatment and asked the anchor to give her two minutes to talk. But her plea was ignored and the anchor went on to call one of the dignitaries on stage. “This is not true, not done right to me,” the singer said while in tears.
The musician said in Hindi, “I am not dying to sing. You called me here to perform so you cannot disrespect me like this. The district administration is wrong. I had a very bad experience at the Thawe Festival.”
Watch the video here:
मैने देखा है कई एंकर को।
इस तरह का अपमान करना योग्य नहीं है। ये कौन है महोदया जिन्होंने सिंगर को अपमानित किया?
स्टेज आर्टिस्ट भी बहुत मेहनत करते हैं। इन महिला जैसे लोगों को काम नहीं देना चाहिए।
— Prapti (@i_m_prapti) April 20, 2023
The video soon caught the attention of the netizens. In fact, actress Akshara Singh also lent support to the singer on Twitter. “These people (organisers) have forgotten that every stage has a decorum to maintain. They are making a spectacle of their influence and power to insult an artist, that to a woman.”
The video left social media users enraged. A user commented, “How rude is this? If u can’t respect an artist, don’t call him/ her at any event. Absolutely pathetic.”
Another user wrote, “This is disgusting, no one’s dignity should be harmed in any way.”
“Anchor needs to learn how to respect others,” the third user wrote.
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