A traffic police personnel of Bengalurur’s RT Nagar recently fined another policeman for wearing a half helmet, which is prohibited on the city roads. Taking to Twitter, the RT Nagar Traffic BTP, shared an image of another police officer getting fined for wearing the wrong helmet while driving a gearless scooter.
“Good evening. Health helmet case booked against police,” the cops captioned the Twitter post.
Take a look below:
Good evening sir
half helmet case booked against police
Tq pic.twitter.com/Xsx5UA40OY— R T NAGAR TRAFFIC BTP (@rtnagartraffic) October 17, 2022
The RT Nagar police shared the image on Monday. It garnered nearly 1,000 likes and several comments. While some internet users praised the police for not sparing anyone who violated the traffic rules, others suspected it was a staged photo op.
“Staged. Why is he smiling and posing for camera. Who does that?” wrote one user. “He looks so happy. What a great photo opportunity. Now how about doing actual traffic management which is supposed to be your core responsibility,” said another.
A third commented, “Sir this has to be done more. I see many cops taking pillion cops without helmets and many cops letting them go by,” while a fourth simply called it a “Publicity stunt.”
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Wearing a helmet while riding a two-wheeler is a traffic rule that no one should wink at. Last month, a funny video suggesting the same had also taken the internet by storm. The clip showed a police officer’s unique response to a man riding a bike without a helmet.
It showed the policeman confronting a man, who was apparently riding a bike without a helmet. The police officer put the helmet on the rider’s head and started explaining traffic rules like he was chanting some mantras (hymns).
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