In a remarkable turn of events, Gislayne Silva de Deus, a dedicated police officer in Boa Vista, Brazil, has successfully apprehended the man responsible for her father’s murder, a crime committed 25 years ago. This compelling story underscores the unwavering determination of a daughter committed to seeking justice.
A Tragic Incident
On February 16, 1999, Givaldo José Vicente de Deus was fatally shot by Raimundo Alves Gomes during a heated argument over a debt of 150 reais (approximately $25). At the time, Gislayne was just 9 years old, and the loss of her father had a profound impact on her life.
Pursuit of Justice
Determined to see her father’s killer brought to justice, Gislayne pursued a career in law enforcement. She joined the Civil Police of Roraima, specializing in the Homicide Division, where she diligently worked on cold cases, including her father’s. Her commitment never wavered as she sought to fulfill the promise she made to herself as a child.
The Arrest
After years of evasion, Raimundo Alves Gomes, who had been a fugitive since 2016 following his conviction, was located and arrested on September 25, 2024, in a rural area near Boa Vista. Gislayne’s involvement in the arrest brought a sense of closure and justice to her family, demonstrating the profound impact of perseverance and dedication in law enforcement.
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