False Fun Facts You Were Taught Were True

  • These false fun facts may surprise you.

Dogs sweat by salivating, or do they? These are all the false fun facts you were taught were true.

Dogs Sweat by Salivating

They actually don’t. Dogs regulate their temperature through panting. They do sweat but it actually comes through their footpads. 

Einstein Failed Math

Einstein did not in fact fail math. He failed an entrance exam for a school but still excelled in math. This is one of the biggest myths of all the false fun facts.

Humans and Dinosaurs

Did you know that 41% of adults think that dinosaurs and humans coexisted at one time? Well, they do. But, they didn’t. Are you following me? Humans and dinosaurs missed each other by about 64 million years. 

Bananas Grow on Trees

Bananas don’t grow on trees. They grow on massive herbs that resemble trees, that aren’t actually trees.

Alcohol Kills Brain Cells

This is something we’re all told but it’s just not the truth. Even the heaviest of alcoholics and heavy drinkers don’t kill brain cells, but they do damage them.

Bulls Despise The Color Red

Bulls are color-blind, so that tells you that about that. Bulls see the motions of the bullfighters cloth as a threat. Did you expect this to be one of the false fun facts of the group?

We Only Use 10% of Our Brain

The portion of our brain firing is task dependent but at the end of the day, every region is firing every day. 

You Should Wake a Sleepwalker

We’re told not to do this and have seen it go very wrong in movies like Step Brothers but the truth is, you should wake up someone who is sleepwalking. They will be confused, but that’s better than them possibly hurting themselves because they aren’t awake. 

Craziest of the False Fun Facts: Everest is the Tallest Mountain

What? Everest isn’t tallest mountain? Well, it is and it’s not. Above sea level, Everest is the tallest mountain. But, Hawaii’s Mauna Kea volcano stands more than 33,000 feet tall if measured from its underwater base, that’s 4,000 feet above Everest. 

Ninjas Dressed in Black

The truth is that real ninjas wanted to blend into everyday life, so they would wear anything that helped them do that. This “uniform” or idea of ninjas all in black actually comes from years of fiction and folklore.  This is something we see all over media as well but it turns out it’s one of the false fun facts.

Caffeine is a Diuretic

Caffeine doesn’t dehydrate you. The effect of caffeine as a diuretic is offset by the amount of water in the drink, even with the caffeine.


“The Great Wall of China From Space”

Have you ever heard that you can see the Great Wall of China from Space? Which you in fact, cannot. There is no single human structure that is visible from orbit, but you can see the lights from the cities at night.

False Fun Facts: We Have More Than Five Senses

We have more than five senses including others like balance, pain, and temperature. Some scientists insist we have 21 senses. Now this is one of the false fun facts that is really strange because we have always “only” had five senses.

A Penny Dropped on Your Head Will Kill You

Have you heard this? A penny dropped on your head sure would smart and sting, but it isn’t fast enough to kill you. The terminal velocity of a penny is 30 to 50 mph.

Body Heat Escapes From Your Head

So this is true but mostly for infants, who lose most of their heat through their head. It’s the case for adults as well, but only if the head is the only uncovered part of the body. 

False Fun Facts: Bats Are Blind

Bats are not blind. They have very small, light sensitive eyes, and it makes what would be “pitch black” to us a “light” they do well in. They can see and use echolocation. How cool is that?

Don’t Eat Gum

We have all heard this right? Don’t swallow your gum because it takes 7 years to digest, or something like that. Well, it’s just not true. Gum has a chewy and indigestible base and it passes straight through your system. The rest of it is absorbed.

False Fun Facts: Scottish Bagpipes

It’s the Scottish that are known for their bagpipes, no? Sorry, but no. Bagpipes were prevalent in Middle East centuries before Western Europe.

What do you think of these false fun facts? Which one surprised you the most? (Because I know at least one thing surprised you.)

Cannot get enough? Follow the link to read 46 of The Most Random Fun Facts You Didn’t Already Know.


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