A woman said that she was ‘frozen in fear’ after a spider crawled across her wrist when she was putting her laundry away, and someone joked that they would ‘burn the house down’
Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
We’ve probably all seen a spider or two lurking around in our houses at the minute – and those with arachnophobia are quaking in their boots at the eight-legged insects. And, to add insult to injury for those with fear of them, they seem to be even bigger than ever. Unfortunately for us, it’s also their mating season, so that’s why you’re probably noticing a lot more of them in your home at the minute.
One woman took to Mumsnet to say she was horrified when a huge spider fell out of the laundry she was folding and it ran ‘across her wrist’. She said that she was ‘frozen in fear and awe all at the same time’ but was worried she wouldn’t be able to capture it safely to remove it from her home.
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She wrote: “Am I being unreasonable to be frozen in fear and awe all at the same time? I was folding laundry in my bedroom and this chap fell out, across my wrist and onto the floor.
“I’m thinking of ways to catch it safely without hurting its legs. Normally I’d put it in my hands and out the window. Not happening this time!
“Does anyone know what type of spider this is? And did I say, HELP!”
Other Mumsnetters were horrified at the gigantic spider and said they would’ve been equally as scared.
One user commented: “Looks like a giant house spider. It also appears that you live in its home, and I hope you are paying it rent.”
Another more dramatic commenter wrote: “Nope. I would have to burn down the house there and then.”
One mum said she’d experienced something similar just days before writing: “I had one just like that sitting on my headboard looking down at me a couple of nights ago. As I shrieked and ran out of the room, I ricocheted off the door handle and woke my daughter up. Not my finest moment.”
Someone said: “I had a similar one once. Had to use a Pyrex bowl and a large piece of card to pick him/her up as his/her legs wouldn’t fit inside my usual spider-catching glass, which is actually a whiskey glass.
“Felt quite proud of myself after I’d managed to wrestle it into the garden – the end of the garden farthest away from the house.”
Arachnophobes were not impressed, with one commenting: “The vilest of vile creatures. I swear they get at least 10% bigger, year on year!”
What would you do if faced with this spider? Let us know in the comments.
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