Poisonous Cheesecake Didn’t Quite do the Trick

  • Death by poisonous cheesecake? It could have been.

Poisonous cheesecake could have killed Syvk, but it didn’t. Here’s the story.

Viktoria Nasyrova, 47, was sentenced to 21 years in a US prison as of Wednesday (April 19th) for trying to kill her American lookalike Svyk. Nasyrova attempted to give her a poison cheesecake, in hopes of killing her, and then she planned to steal her identity.

The Russian-born woman was found guilty of attempted murder by a New York jury in February 2023. Queens district attorney Melinda Katz said in a statement, “A ruthless and calculating con artist is going to prison for a long time for trying to murder her way to personal profit and gain.” 

Thankfully, the victim survived the attack on her life and we were able to deliver justice to her, Katz stated.

Nasyrova visited the home of her 35-year-old victim in August 2016 with the cheesecake. At the time, the two looked alike. 

Not only that, they both spoke Russian, had dark hair, the same skin complexion and shared other physical traits as well. 

The woman gifted the poisonous cheesecake, ate it and then vomited and hallucinated but survived. She began to feel sick before passing out.  The next day, a friend found her unconscious. 

According to the prosecutors, pills were scattered around to make it look like she had tried to kill herself. Upon leaving the hospital and returning home, the victim realized that her passport was missing.

She was also missing other valuables and jewelry. 

In court Wednesday, Svyk said, “For her, it was an easy thing to try and take the life of another person. It was an easy thing to gain the trust of another person.”

After the sentencing, she said, “I wait so many years to say that. … It feels good.”

The cheesecake was tested and showed that it was laced with Phenazepam, a highly potent sedative. Nasyrova, who lives in Brooklyn, was also convicted of assault, unlawful imprisonment and theft. 

The judge referred to Nasyrova as extremely dangerous.

Poisonous cheesecake make not be the best way to kill someone and it’s a gutsy way to try. Luckily Svyk is ok! 


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