When social media users saw the images they noticed the long, thin layout looked more like the landlord’s ‘hallway’ than a studio apartment which prompted complaints to the letting firm

Image: Kennedy News/EPS Properties)
A ‘studio’ flat can be rented for £750 a month but house hunters says it would be like living in a corridor.
The landlord of has been forced to lower the ‘disgraceful’ £850-per-month asking price to rent after baffled viewers reacted to the property.
The Zoopla listing for a single room inside a semi-detached home in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, claims to have its own bathroom and kitchen area.
But when eagle-eyed social media users saw its photos they noticed the long, thin layout looked more like the landlord’s ‘hallway’ than a studio apartment.
The baffling images show a single bed packed tightly against one wall, with a shower behind it that is thinner than the width of the headboard.
Kennedy News/EPS Properties)
A kitchen unit and thin bar side make the 5ft 7in-wide room even more narrow, yet it stretches 24ft 7in from its front door to the property’s concrete courtyard.
Reddit users were quick to brand the studio’s £850 monthly rent ‘disgraceful’ and ‘disgusting’, while EPS Properties’ Hasan Osman admits the letting firm received complaints through Zoopla too.
Despite the letting agent brushing off criticism by stating ‘if it doesn’t suit them, they don’t need to rent it’, he conceded £850 feels too high given the width of the room.
Mr Osman reckons it convinced the landlord to drop the price to £750 per month, and the Zoopla listing was updated at around 4pm on Monday.
Kennedy News and Media)
The room exceeds the Government’s 6.25sqm minimum size for a room occupied by a person over 10 years old, and Hasan insists his firm, which manages properties for landlords, checked this before listing it.
Hasan said: “I think the length of the property is good, but I think the width is a little bit narrow. We tried to get a double bed in there and it wasn’t giving us much space.
“People asked us how we can rent it for that price but what people need to understand is as part of an agency we can only advise our landlords on what the correct rental price should be.
“I think £750 is a reasonable price for Cambridge. You can rent a room out for £800 per month with a kitchenette in it. People that are commenting need to put things into perspective
Kennedy News/EPS Properties)
“You’ve got a studio apartment there with a kitchen, a fridge freezer, a hob oven, with a washing machine, a single bed, a shower room and a toilet all in one room.
“People love to complain about anything and everything for no reason. I don’t need to justify myself to them. If it doesn’t suit somebody they don’t need to take it.
“I said to the landlord, we’ve been getting some stick online about this and I feel this is overpriced and the price needs to come down. He’s agreed to bring it down.”
The floor plan for the ‘studio’ isn’t on the listing [as of Wednesday Nov 15 at 8am], but it does boast to include all bills, including wi-fi and council tax, in the rent.
Hasan says the current landlord bought the property with the room in its current form but they’re planning to join it with the house’s lounge and convert it into a communal space next year.
He believes the previous owner of the four-bedroom property converted it from a garage space and was renting it out too.
Kennedy News and Media)
EPS Properties’ listing was shared to Reddit on Thursday night where dozens of users slammed the listing’s size and price.
One commented: “£850 a month to live in a hallway? Wtf?”
Another said: “It would be like living in someone’s corridor. It’s disgraceful.”
Someone replied: “No, it is like living in someone’s corridor – literally.”
A third commented: “The box on top of the fridge is even shocked. Jokes aside, that’s disgusting.”
The listing’s description says: “We have a small single furnished studio available for a six-month rental from now.
“Property has its own bathroom, kitchen area and single bed. All bills included, including Wi-Fi.”
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