In a heartwarming video that is gaining traction on social media, the District Collector of Jaipur, Prakash Purohit, is seen helping a specially-abled man file a complaint by making him sit at his table. The Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer patiently listens to the complaint as the man points towards a piece of paper and then shows certain documents while addressing his grievance.
The video was shared on Twitter by Indian Police Service (IPS) officer Dinesh MN. He wrote in the caption, “Administration is more a matter of Heart than Head. Prakash Purohit IAS, Collector Jaipur listening to a complainant making him sit at the table because of his condition. Kudos to such young and empathetic officers and may their numbers increase.”
Watch the video here:
Administration is more a matter of Heart than Head. Prakash Purohit IAS , Collector Jaipur listening to a complainant making him sit on table because of his condition. Kudos to such young and empathetic officers and may their numbers increase.
— Dinesh MN IPS (@DineshMNIPS1) March 17, 2023
Since being shared, the video has amassed over three lakh views and six thousand likes.
“No doubt #Jaipur collector, Prakash Rajpurohit is a sensitive officer,” said a user.
“@DcDmJaipur , Rajpurohit Sir, hats off to you for the level of empathy and patience that you possess. You are the pride of Civil Services community. God bless,” added another person.
A third person added, “This is very nice indeed but I wish these gestures were done without taking a video and posting it online. Makes them seem more performative than empathetic…”
An internet user commented, “Bravo. We need such Bureaucrats who go a step further than conventional Babudom to resolve issues of Common Masses. Hats off to this Officer. May HE bless him. May he go far…”
“I hate bureaucracy but this melts my heart,” remarked another person.
“Bravo. We need such Bureaucrats who go a step further than conventional Babudom to resolve issues of Common Masses. Hats off to this Officer. May HE bless him. May he go far…” added a user.
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