The stickers feature available on WhatsApp is widely used to send wishes and greetings on special occasions. And, Valentine’s Day is no different. People come up with out-of-the-box ideas to express their feelings. The classic method still remains a heartfelt note, accompanied by a bunch of adorable stickers. In case you are wondering how to get Valentine’s Day stickers on your phone, we have got you covered. Below mentioned are steps for both Android and iOS mobile phones to get Valentine’s Day sticker packs.
How to get Valentine’s Day stickers on Android:
Step 1: Open WhatsApp, followed by the chat where you want to send Valentine’s Day stickers. Tap on the smiley icon, present in the text bar.
Step 2: Once you tap on it, you will see the stickers icon placed next to the GIF button in the app.
Step 3: As you click on the icon, you will be able to access all your stickers.
Step 4: But, if you want to add more stickers to your collection or want to explore more options, scroll down to the bottom. Click on – ‘Get more stickers.’ It will redirect you to the Google Play Store where you can get any of your favourite Valentine’s Day stickers.
Step 5: You can download any sticker pack of your choice. Once the installation is completed, open the app and click on ‘Add to WhatsApp.’
Step 6: As the process gets completed, you will be able to access Valentine’s Day stickers in WhatsApp and can easily send them to your contacts.
How to get Valentine’s Day stickers on iOS:
Step 1: iOS users can also download third-party WhatsApp sticker apps from the App Store and Google Play Store. The list includes, Sticker Maker + Stickers, Stickles, and Wsticker for chat apps. These apps are available for free and offer an extensive range of stickers, including a set on the Valentine’s theme.
Step 2: What you can also do is whenever you receive a Valentine’s Day sticker, add them to your ‘Favourites.’ In order to add a sticker to your ‘Favourite’ collection, long press on the sticker and tap on the star option.
Step 3: Now, you can click on the stickers option placed in the text bar and you will find your ‘favourite marked’ stickers there.
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