Woman on camping holiday at wits’ end over ‘selfish’ noisy neighbours in tent next door

A woman has expressed her frustration after her camping holiday has been ruined by a ‘selfish’ family who make noise all night – but some say it’s to be expected

An annoying woman on a camping holiday
The woman is frustrated at her camping neighbours (stock photo)

Camping holidays are something people either love or hate, depending on how much you enjoy getting out into nature and sleeping in some pretty uncomfortable conditions. But what many of us will be able to agree on, is that no matter where we lay our heads down to sleep, we don’t enjoy being kept awake by noisy neighbours.

That’s the situation one woman is facing though, after she embarked on a camping holiday only to find that the family in the tent next to hers wouldn’t stop making noise throughout the night – especially their toddler, who would “scream” between 10:30 and 11:30 for four nights in a row.

The noise was mostly being made by a toddler (stock photo)


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In a post on Mumsnet, the woman claimed: “[There is a] screaming child in the tent next door. Am I being unreasonable to think the parents are selfish k**bheads?

“Fourth night in a row. Toddler screams from 10:30 until 11:30-ish every night and then periodically every couple of hours. Not sad baby crying but toddler tantrum screaming and shouting. I am beginning to think it is the spawn of satan.

“Why would you go camping if your child doesn’t sleep, and why wouldn’t you go home out of consideration for others after a couple of nights?

“They are quiet now but I’m awake since the last screams at 3:30 am.”

Commenters on the post didn’t have the woman’s back though, as many of them said that noisy neighbours are to be expected when you’re sleeping in a tent with thin plastic walls – and some said the woman should have taken earplugs with her to cancel out the noise.

One person wrote: “When your walls are made of plastic it’s unreasonable to expect to not hear conversations, drunks, laughing, sex, and babies crying. Next time take some earplugs!”

While another said: “Why would you go camping if you’re so sensitive to noise?”

And a third posted: “Why on earth would you go camping in the school summer holidays and expect peace and quiet? Get some earplugs or better yet, a hotel.”

However, some people did agree with the mum, and said that for the same reason as it’s unreasonable to expect silence with thin walls, it’s also unreasonable to expose those around you to excess noise.

Someone commented: “When your walls are made of plastic, it’s incredibly unreasonable to stay there with a non-sleeping tantrumming child.”

As someone else agreed, stating: “I always think this when I see the threads about people taking babies camping. I’d have to go and say something. If it was my child I’d put them in the car and get off the site. No way would I subject others to that night after night.”

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