The woman has had enough of her hubby’s strange cleaning habits – so much so that it’s causing serious arguments between the pair. Her view has caused debate as some people agree with her, while others urge her to be more understanding
Image: Shared Content Unit)
We all have our own particular habits when it comes to house cleaning, but some people’s standards just don’t come up to scratch. That’s the experience of an exasperated woman who’s taken to Mumsnet forum to complain about her husband’s dodgy approach to housework.
“Just had a big row with my husband over cleaning the kitchen”, she explains. They have a well-practised routine: she cooks dinner and he cleans up after, while she puts the kids to bed. “It’s a system that works well for us!” While things may seem to be running smoothly, the mum was left seething after the poor job that her hubby did of the cleaning.
“This evening I came downstairs and found him sweeping the kitchen surfaces with our dustpan and brush!” she revealed.
Getty Images/PhotoAlto)
Some might see this as the new cleaning hack, but she was appalled. “I asked him not to do this before so when I saw him doing it again this evening I got angry and asked why he couldn’t do it the normal way i.e. use a cloth to sweep crumbs into hand or even onto floor and sweep after (which he’d be doing anyway!).
“He couldn’t see where I was coming from at all, and cannot understand what is wrong with his way.”
The woman then branded the husband’s adoption of a dustpan and brush to clean work surfaces as “disgusting”.
“He said he’s not cleaning up anymore if he’s not left to do it his way. This is gross. He won’t listen. We’re not actually speaking over this!!”
People’s responses on Mumsnet were a mixed bag, as they were a combination of, ‘careful what you wish for’, and ‘uugghhhh, germs’.
“The germs! Makes me feel all twitchy reading,” said one, and another said: “If he’s wiping it with a cloth and some sort of soap/disinfectant after I really can’t see the problem”.
Meanwhile, a very simple solution was offered up from another: “Just buy a separate one for the work surfaces. Problem solved”.
Other people urged the woman to be grateful that her husband was cleaning at all – showing how low the bar is in some households.
“Different ways of doing things/standards here. As long as he wipes down the surfaces after with, eg an anti-bac spray, I could live with this,” one person said.
“I could defo live with it rather than have him refuse to do the kitchen, which is what’s likely to happen if you are not careful.”
Another added: “Different people have different standards the difficulty is imposing yours on someone else. I tend to give things a wipe over where I would prepare food. I wouldn’t start a war over it”.
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